Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lecture # 8

Some people thought this lecture wasn't interesting, I disagreed. Eileen Neff's sense of composition and balance was astounding. I loved the work with the furniture and the overall illusionist approach to realism. The concept of outside spaces and inside spaces intrigued me. I'd never thought about it but seeing it put together in various ways held my interest. I loved the different media choices which I hear also included cinema.

The entire collection read cohesively. In the end it was like a revelation, starting with the end table and the world. It was very well put together.

Others argued that what she did didn't exactly require skill. I disagree with that as well. What she does not only requires technical skill but a sort of mental and conceptual discipline that comes with time and maturity. It appears at first that any of us could do some of her work but in truth we can't because, as simple as it appears, we haven't thought of it and how her work was composed and thought out and finished was at a level way beyond a foundation student with budding technical skills.

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