Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lecture #6

This lecture held my interest. The speaker was a man named Bradley Litwin. He was interesting. His work was interesting. He talked about mechanics and the history of computers and how he used it to create his work.

I found it absolutely fascinating that his work was displayed in the Tyler atrium. It gave us a tangible resource and make me feel more personally connected with the artist. I loved how interactive the work was. They were visually and aurally interesting as pleasing and invoke an awe as to how perfect and impossible they seem. I think every artist, or every person really, is interested in machines, fascinated actually, because of their perfections. When an artist can make a machine and make it work efficiently, and make it do something interesting, they've got their audience. The idea of making a machine is so daunting and to have it done well is impressive.

Bradley made lots of jokes. His work had a sense of humor. I really enjoyed the collapsable guitar that was "for sale". I like that he really hit home how much the computer has evolved in such a short time. From the computer just being able to write to being able to make images to being able to make movements and images with lifelike qualities and machine like pristine.

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