Thursday, December 3, 2009

Power Point

A lot has changed in Power Point since the last time I used it, or maybe it was because I was using a mac...either way, I had to rethink my strategies. My problems with making the Power Point was that I didn't know how to customize each page so that they could have a different look, so they all have the same style. I did manage to make variations but they're still basically the same.

I feel as though I didn't display enough work from Computers which I thought of as the highlight of the presentation. It makes sense though, because I've gone to high school for four years and have only been at Tyler for a semester.

I'm really excited to see everyone's work and for people to see my work. It will be interesting.

Routine Book

As far as my book is concerned, I'm initially pleased with myself that I worked through the process of actually making it a reality, getting the materials and the money and the images (I had misplaced my flash drive). Seeing the final product pleased me though. It had the look that I was going for, and enough information to show the viewer that this was a real study.

If I could do anything differently, I would probably have a little better quality pictures for all of them because for some I didn't figure out until late on how to get a better quality print. There were also some inconsistencies just due to the lack of materials.

The piece itself is an exploration of coins and displaying their beauty as artifacts, sculptures, and little windows to history and experiences. My materials were chosen to enhance that goal. Overall, I think it worked out nicely

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lecture #11

There isn't much to say about this one other than I enjoyed it as usual. Melinda's work, though formally interesting was geared more towards craft artists though I did enjoy her bags and merchandise. I really like the idea of getting your work out there which seems to be the theme of all of these lectures, but how to get it done is still a little bit of a mystery. The internet, definitely but even that doesn't seem like a sure way to be seen.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Friday

Last Friday I went to First Friday again but this time my group focused a little more on abstract art galleries and pottery. I really enjoyed it. The pottery was beautifully made. It was a dinner wear theme. Each of the collections had a very interesting design, though I was even more impressed with the restaurant collection of the Tyler students in the lobby.

We saw a very interesting collection of artwork where the artist, I'm assuming female, created these very intricate and intense paintings with a collection and cluster of patterns and vibrant colors and imagery, with very soft and mystical backgrounds. I figured she was trying to recreate the chaotic technicolor and overwhelming information of the world, though balanced with a nexis-like background, giving order and peace.

Collection Part 19: Philadelphia Septa 2009

This multicolored coin has the ability to take Philadelphians anywhere they would like to go on mass transit. They're expensive little coins, basically worth $1.48 depending on where they're purchased from.

Lecture #10

I went to the special 7pm edition of the lecture. I was very pleased that I went. Brett was a very interesting guy who captivated me from pretty much the beginning. He told us all to take three breaths together. We didn't know why but we all did. Then he told us that that was a collaboration, people coming together to make something happen as a community. It was a very profound example.

His work fascinated me, how quickly he could produce these spray painted works, how intriguing they were. I really loved all the stories he told about being active in the community with art and creating these collaborative pieces with his friend.

For the audience, he made us create a rubric that we would judge the artwork that he showed us based on our definitions of community and soul. It was entertaining and refreshing.

He had many profound statements to make that night. He believed in true interactions with the audience which made his presentation all the more engaging. He works the same way with his art work now, engaging the community by making them the models or making them create the work themselves, the way that they want to but also as a community.