Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lecture #10

I went to the special 7pm edition of the lecture. I was very pleased that I went. Brett was a very interesting guy who captivated me from pretty much the beginning. He told us all to take three breaths together. We didn't know why but we all did. Then he told us that that was a collaboration, people coming together to make something happen as a community. It was a very profound example.

His work fascinated me, how quickly he could produce these spray painted works, how intriguing they were. I really loved all the stories he told about being active in the community with art and creating these collaborative pieces with his friend.

For the audience, he made us create a rubric that we would judge the artwork that he showed us based on our definitions of community and soul. It was entertaining and refreshing.

He had many profound statements to make that night. He believed in true interactions with the audience which made his presentation all the more engaging. He works the same way with his art work now, engaging the community by making them the models or making them create the work themselves, the way that they want to but also as a community.

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