Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cinco de Lectura

I admit. I wanted to study for Urban Dynamics during the lecture for the exam I had the next day, but she and what she had to say actually interested me. Conservation of materials.

As an artist, conservation of my work is always in the back of my mind, how long will this last, until class, next week, next year, the next hundred years....It was interesting to find that the materials that I thought would last for a while because of their density and weight, actually die away like any other material. It's scary almost, to realize that even the strongest material has weak spots.

Being a painter, or thinking about it, also worried me when I saw the Mark Rothko paintings. Painting has been around for so long. The paintings that I look at in museums seem like they were done freshly this morning. I need to harness that longevity. I don't want to though. I'd rather not think about how long materials are going to last and if my colors are going to fade away to nothing. I want ephemeral works...okay, I want my works to last forever, or at least for a very long time, but I don't want to put in the time that will make it last through time...but it was a good heads up for the future.

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